Praise the Lord precious brethren of AIM!
Greetings from America in the glorious name of our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ!

What a great blessing to have spent over two weeks this Fall traveling all across the beautiful Philippine Islands to visit, worship and pray with so many of you! On behalf of myself and Assistant General Director John Slage, I want to express our appreciation to all who were able to spend time with us. I especially want to thank our traveling companions AIM National Secretary Jerry Bohol, National Treasurer Caney Lingo, Missionary Advisor Ronnie Rodriguez, Southern Mindanao District Supervisor Reynaldo Munez, and from America, Brother Robert March and Evangelist Sebastian Haigler.
A Highly Successful Trip!
From the services in Lapu-Lapu to the District conference in Busay, to the Northern Mindanao District conference in Kiabo, and our visits to churches throughout Southern Mindanao, this was one of our most successful missionary trips. God blessed us in every step of the journey as He powerfully worked in every church service, fellowship gathering and ministers meeting and we are still rejoicing in every testimony, every healing, every miracle and every prayer answered! What can I say but how awesome it was and what a great joy for us to see the people of God continuing faithfully in the Apostolic doctrine, along with zealous prayers and praise to our Lord Jesus Christ! To God be all the praise and all the glory both now and forever!
Benliw Apostolic Christian School
Finally, we were delighted to wrap up our travel schedule with a quick trip to Bohol to meet the teachers and leadership of the Benliw Apostolic Christian School which was established so many years ago by Elder James Childs.

First Annual AIM Youth Conference
With our first annual AIM Youth Conference coming up December 23-27, we continue to make additional improvements to our national headquarters. These improvements include building a baptismal tank, refinishing of the solid wood pews, and installing additional ceiling fans and improved lighting. We have a grand vision for how God is going to use AIM and this headquarters property for His Kingdom and we continue to pray daily for the work of God worldwide.
Make Use of Every Day!
It is no time to be distracted, no time to be divided and certainly no time to be at ease in Zion! We must make use of every day and do our very best continually to be a vessel of honor unto our God! Philippians 1:27-28 tells us that we must “stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel”.

I ask all the faithful to please be much in prayer with us concerning our upcoming 40th anniversary services October 23-25 here at Apostolic Tabernacle in Winnsboro, Louisiana. We will be giving strong emphasis to the works of AIM in the Philippines!
We are very encouraged that THE BEST IS YET TO COME!

Bishop M.R. Couch, General Director, AIM